Order Management

Our Solutions

Order Management

Run your restaurant, smarter & manage all your orders together

Whether your customers order on the phone, in store, on your website or a 3rd party aggregator, our system will bring your orders together into one manageable place.

Giving your team a more streamlined, simple process where all your orders are in one place, meaning less time taking the orders, less mistakes made and an overall enhanced experience for your customers. Helping to ensure all your sales are recorded in one place giving more accurate and credible reporting data.

The benefits of order management

All orders in one place - phone, in-store, on your website/app and 3rd party aggregators
Store integration with Dojo meaning less mistakes with orders being made in store.
Integrated customer phone numbers to speed up the order, store customers allergen data and remember previous orders made.
Own your customer data and allowing you full control of your customer loyalty schemes.
Payment methods

Payment methods

Our website and app payments are integrated with Stripe giving your customers ease of pay with Apple & Google Pay and your instore orders streamline smoothly with Dojo meaning everything is integrated, reducing mistakes in store. Plus you have peace of mind knowing you will receive your money safely and quickly.

Any <span>allergens?</span>

Any allergens?

It is estimated that between 1-10% of adults and children have a food hypersensitivity. However as many as 20% of the population experience some reactions to foods which make them believe they do have a food hypersensitivity (The Association of UK Dietitians (BDA), 2015)

More than ever, takeaways and restaurants are in the public eye when it comes allergens. Andromeda has built a system specifically with this in mind, to ensure enhanced safety for your customers and peace of mind for you as a business owner. Our system allows you to update your allergens as you change and develop your menu, meaning you are in complete control. One update in the portal will change your website, App and instore POS, all at the click of a button.

Say goodbye to multiple <span>menus & tickets</span>

Say goodbye to multiple menus & tickets

Integrate your third-party delivery platforms into Andromeda. No more multiple tablets & manual entries.

Demand for delivery has skyrocketed but with a large number coming from third party providers, this can become a time consuming and complicated process to manage. Receive orders from all platforms in one place. Reduce errors, save time & labour.

<span>Advantages</span> of integrating your aggregators:

Advantages of integrating your aggregators:

  • One menu to manage for all online platforms
  • Images from your own site apply to the third parties
  • Add calories information
  • Consistent Price Uplift from base
  • Saves time
  • Keeps the workflow the same for all orders
  • Ensures the orders are accurately recorded
  • Keeps track of all your sales in a single system
  • Ensure your VAT records are correct
  • Plus many more…

Our integrated Partners:

Below are some of our integrated partners that we have the privilege of working with,
allowing us to be trusted with thousands of restaurants and takeaways.

View Andromeda in action

Take a look at our latest video, showcasing the different solutions Andromeda has to offer, and some of happy clients using our software.