Product Images

Product Images

Online ordering platform6

Why Product Images Are So Important

It is becoming more and more important for takeaway businesses to stand out from the crowd. One simple and easy way to do this is to make sure your online ordering website stands out amongst the crowd. Product images are not just there to look pretty, they can make the difference between a customer ordering from your website or not! Research has concluded that ordering websites that have images of the dishes along with an appetising description receive on average 20-25% more orders than sites that have a plain list of items. For example: 3 different food ordering websites, but which would a hungry customer find the most appealing? No product images
Site 1
A long boring list, with no descriptions and nothing to excite your customer No Product images
Site 2
Products with a nice description but without images Product Images3
Site 3
Pictures and descriptions, customers know exactly what they are ordering If you don't yet have product images and want to make your online ordering site stand out, please let us know. With packages to suit every budget,you'll get more orders with Andromeda! Contact Us
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