Andromeda is excited to announce our partnership with Stuart!

Andromeda is excited to announce our partnership with Stuart!

Europe’s leading on-demand logistics platform connecting businesses to a fleet of geolocalised independent couriers.

Ben (Founder & CEO - Andromeda) 'For some time now we have received feedback from our clients that one of the biggest struggles in the takeaway industry is deliveries and drivers.

We have relied on expensive aggregators,which although there is a space in the market for, can also significantly erode the bottom line for a business. We wanted to provide restaurants and takeaways with another option, without the need to rely on additional partners. Andromeda works directly with Stuart as your omni-channel provider.'

Speak to us to find out more

Stuart allows businesses to deliver to their customers with speed and efficiency and can be used as a sole provider or as a top-up to your existing team.

This can be used as a short-term solution while you are building up your delivery service and can justify hiring a new driver, or could be that at peak times you need some extra help, but not enough to justify hiring a new driver, or maybe you just don’t want to hire drivers at all.


  • Commission free model
  • They are food delivery experts
  • Reliable delivery service
  • Expand your delivery service without hiring new drivers
  • Deliver every order
  • Grow your delivery business easily and organically

Have questions about Stuart or want to know more about how Stuart could help your business? click through for more info

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